Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where are Harper's Priorities?

Well hello there! Great to see you. It really is. I’m glad you could click by for my daily, somewhat educational and entertaining look at the world around us. Fill your mug with some perky Arabica coffee and snag a virtual treat from the always delightful array. I’m on my soapbox today and here’s why...

Canada's Prime Minister Harper recently announced that the government is giving $6 million to help seniors in Canada! Okay...a good start!

Prime Minister Harper recently announced that the government is giving $60 million to help Syria! What?

Prime Minister Harper just announced that the government is giving $150 million to assist education in Syria! Double what?

Do you see anything wrong with the balance there? I sure do! Whatever happened to taking care of your own people first?

Canada is supposed to be one of the best countries in the world in which to live. We are also one of the heaviest, if not the heaviest, taxed nation in the world. 

Healthcare here is frighteningly slow! Here in Ontario, I cannot even find a family doctor in Cornwall – a city of 47,000. I had to accept one two towns away and wait three months to see him! Then two more months for a follow-up visit! Yet there are thousands of qualified doctors waiting to work in Ontario – but the government says they don’t meet Canadian standards because their medical degrees and experience is from outside the country and as far as I know, precious little is being done to qualify these doctors (and nurses) to practice here.

We need more doctors...more nurses...more hospital beds...more facilities and care for seniors. I could go on and on... but when I hear our Prime Minister Harper standing up and smilingly giving away millions upon millions of our tax dollars left, right and centre on the other side of the world when they are so badly needed back home, it rankles me to no end. Sure, Syria has serious problems...but isn't that what the United Nations is for?

End of rant!

See ya, eh!
