Monday, January 13, 2014

Robo Medicine

Well hi there! How're you faring today. No plug ups in cyberspace today? Good. Help yourself to a robust mug of coffee and a virtual doughnut, why don't'cha? Say, I know you like to keep up with the latest trends in medical science, right? So here is a new one to keep you plugged to speak...

At least two U.S. medical schools so far are early adopters of Dr. Benjamin Lok's and Dr. Carla Pugh's "Robot Butt" for teaching doctors-in-training to properly (and compassionately) administer prostate exams. 

The robot, bent over a desk to simulate the patient profile, has sensors to alert the students if they dig too deeply or quickly for comfort. Other sensors enable a check on eye contact to evaluate "bedside manner." 

In a similar innovation in 2012 by Nobuhiro Takahashi, his model's "sphincter" has the ability to "clench up" if the probing becomes too distressing.

If only I could get the robot to take the examination instead of me...that would be a much better innovation, wouldn't it?

"All right...who's been feeding my robot beans? Whew!"

See ya, eh!
