Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's a Matter of Perspective

Hi there! Whoa! Mind the coffeepot as you slide down out of your cyberspace orbit, eh! I'm happy that you're here. Fill your mug and slide a virtual corn muffin onto your plate, why don't'cha? Y'know sometimes things depend on how you look at them, wouldn't you say? That's called perspective. Let me give you a couple of examples from the USA...

Example 1: For nearly 30 years, until 2007, the U.S. national symbol, the bald eagle, was endangered and protected, but officially they (along with golden eagles) are now so insignificant that the government is willing to endure dozens of them being chopped to death annually in the blades of "clean energy" wind turbines. An Associated Press investigation in December revealed that the federal government is purposely ignoring the eagles' attrition out of fear that outraged conservationists' campaigns will hinder development of wind power as an alternative to coal-produced electricity. 

Example 2: Another recent AP investigation revealed a similar painful choice in the continued commitment to ethanol as a cleaner alternative fuel even though that cleanliness is being increasingly questioned, and even though ethanol production requires the massive diversion of corn that could inexpensively feed millions of hungry people worldwide. [Associated Press via, 12-6-2013] 

What are your thoughts on these two items? Let's get a dialogue going... over coffee.

See ya, eh!
