Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ready For the Endl of the World?

Well, hey there. If the doom peddlars are right, the world will end today so this may be your last chance for a mug of fresh coffee and a virtual treat. Help yourself. Stick an extra muffin in your pocket just in case, eh! Apparently there are End of the World and Apocalypse parties happening all over. Look at what's happening in Moscow, for example...

A Cold War bunker in Moscow designed to protect Soviet leaders in case of nuclear attacks will host the ultimate doomsday party. Revelers willing to part with $1,000 will be able to celebrate the coming of the Apocalypse in a safe environment that can withstand nuclear catastrophes and earthquakes.

Of course, $1,000 isn’t cheap, but with the world coming to an end, you might as well spend your life savings partying, right? That’s what the administrators of Bunker 42, in Moscow, are hoping, anyway.

The shelter located 65 meters underground has been decorated especially for this special end-of-the-world party, after receiving a large number of requests from Russians looking for a chance to survive the impending doom. According to senior bunker guide Alexei Pavlovsky, the idea behind the event is pretty simple: A lot of many people would feel much calmer if they could spend this critical day surrounded by maximum comfort and safety. And who are we to say no?” Can’t argue with that, now can you?

So like, if it ends it ends and there'll be little we can do about it but I don't think it'll happen. Remember? I covered this last year and the Mayans cycle of 5225 or so years comes to an end but it really only means the start of the next cycle, doesn't it? Sit back, munch on your muffin and wait...

See ya, eh (hopefully), So far so good. If not, well...bend over...put your head between your legs and...kiss your butt goodbye!
