Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nothing is better than a smile

Hey there! Wonderful to see you today, y'know. Fill your mug and help yourself to one of those chocolate doughnuts, why don't'cha?'s been a while since I've run a story on 'poop' and so I thought...(Oh, here he goes...) that since Christmas is quickly approaching, it was time for my third annual look at what's new in Catalonia pooping dolls (Caganer).

Pooping Computer Scientist

The Caganer was a necessary figure in the Christmas Cribs of the eighteenth century since at that time it was believed that, with his fertile depositions, the soil of the crib would became rich and productive for the coming year! It was also believed that he would bring good health and calm to the body and the soul. Putting this jolly little man in the crib uwas believed to bring good luck and happiness. 
This all started three years ago when I saw a story on TV about a man in Spain who had a collection of 1500 of these pooping dolls and every year adds another 10 or so.

Pooping Bride

Want to see more of these delightfully irreverent creations? Go to:

Hey...they have a whole selection of chocolate crappers, too!

See ya, eh!
