Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Y’all come back here with that beer!

G’day to you. Nice to see you! Wazzup? It’s early in the week so the coffee’s a little extra strong today to perk you right up. Snag one of those goodies on the top shelf as well. A little sugar at this time of the day is good for you. Don’t tell your doctor I said that, okay? Say…I was reading where, back in June in the Houston suburb of Alvin, Texas, a petite, 42-year-old Walmart customer came across three men running out of the store carrying shoplifted beer. She decided that it was up to her to take a stand because, as she said later, she was "sick of the lawlessness."

The woman (whose name, coincidentally, is Monique Lawless) chased the men, climbed onto the hood of their getaway car, even jumping up and down on it, to delay their escape.

The three were eventually arrested: Sylvester Andre Thompson and his brothers Sylvester Durlentren Thompson and Sylvester Primitivo Thompson. Say, Bob, why do you suppose all three brothers are names Sylvester?

Now, that ought to be obvious – makes it real easy to call them for dinner!

See ya!
