Saturday, August 20, 2011

If I could make it at Hooters…

Yee Haw! Hearing your click in my left ear sets the coffee in my cup to tingling…or maybe it’s Parkinson’s setting in. Fill your mug, choose a delicacy and come sit a spell. Old habits die hard, don’t they? I was just reading where Tennessee State Rep. Julia Hurley apologized in July and said she would pay for the refinishing of her desk in the legislative chamber after it was revealed that she had carved her initials in it during a January session.

"It was like one in the morning on the last day of the session," she told a local TV station. "I wasn't thinking straight." Carved your initials anywhere else, Julia?

Rep. Hurley, 29, who has a daughter, 14, unseated a nine-term incumbent legislator in 2010 with a campaign that touted her time as a Hooters waitress. "If I could make it at Hooters," she wrote in the restaurant's magazine, "I could make it anywhere."

Lemme think on that a second or two now… she’s 29 and her daughter’s 14 which means, hmmm…29 – 14 = Holy Hooters! Why that’d be 15 or pretty darn close, even allowing for new math. Now taking into account a 9-month pregnancy, it’s pretty fair to say, she would have been, now let me think, oh yeah… 14 when conception took place. That’s a polite way of saying she ‘took seriously something poked in fun!’ She was barely (excuse the pun) into her teens. Maybe it was just something in the air at Hooters, huh? Though I’m sure she would have been too young to officially work at the ‘restaurant’ at the time.

This higher math just plain tuckers me out! I need a sugar fix. Hand me a double chocolate glazed doughnut, would you?

See ya!
