Sunday, July 10, 2011

World Bodypainting Festival

G’day to you! I hope things are ticking right along for you today. Help yourself to a fresh cup of Arabica and a virtual treat. Bring them over to the table and I’ll bend your ear a little. You know that I sometimes dabble in art and digital art though I don’t seem to have much time lately. In most cases artists are working with a flat canvas but imagine being able to work with a 3-D canvas.

I liberated this from ‘’ in case you want to see more body art. Some say body painting is the oldest form of art, dating back to early civilization. In the last dozen years, with a growing acceptance of offbeat performance, the World Bodypainting Festival has attracted thousands of people. 

The festival began in 1996 in Austria. Over the years, it has draw hundreds of artists and models, from all over the world. Body Art Festivals and competitions re now held around the world.

This painting has got to be one of the most creative I’ve seen. It's a pair of perfect boobs on an equally shapely butt, and it was one of the main attractions at this year's World Bodypainting Festival held on July 3, 2011, in Poertschach, Austria.

The event drew artists from 40 different nations... and butts from I don't know how many, eh!

Someday, I may actually get to go to one of these though for the moment, I’d better stick with a flat canvas or I might get myself into trouble!

See ya!

Comment from Wayne in Quebec re:The frog and Tarantula:
Something like a mother-in law moving in. The wife feels secure cuz mommy is cared for and the husband will probably get in more golf, but they will still have to call in the exterminator for the ants.
Wayne from Québec