Saturday, July 30, 2011

Woman marries herself

Well there you are. Glad you could click on by the old virtual café today. Got a fresh pot of coffee and a some nice chewy no-fat virtual Chinese doughnuts (Pah-tong-go). Go get ‘em – they make great dunkers! Say, did you read about the woman who married herself? Yup. You know I don’t make these things up, right? 

A 30-year-old Taiwanese woman has put an unusual twist on the traditional white wedding by ditching the husband part and marrying herself.
Office worker Chen Wei-yih said she wanted to show other single thirty-something women that they were not failures, media reported. 

“I was just hoping that more people would love themselves,” Chen said.
Chen splurged on her $5,700 solo-ceremony, renting a banquet hall, hiring a wedding planner and photographer and inviting 30 of her friends to witness the event. 

She is also planning a honeymoon to Australia. 

Chen was matter-of-fact about her decision: “Age 30 is a prime period for me. My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven’t found a partner, so what can I do?” she said. 

“It’s not that I’m anti-marriage. I just hope that I can express a different idea within the bounds of a tradition,” Chen said. 

Chen’s move has won her fans and sympathisers worldwide through an online publicity campaign leading up to the wedding. 

But it was reported that the ceremony did not officially certify Chen as married, meaning that if she does happen to find a suitable partner later on, she will not have to divorce herself in order to get married again. 

Hey, I’m not even going to talk about the wedding night, eh! Nor the honeymoon in Oz! Not me. Did you feel a vibration? No sir…I’m not saying a thing! 

See ya!