Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Little Dog With A Self- Assigned Mission

G'day! How're you doing?  I hear the Maritime provinces got their first major dump of snow. We don't have any yet and I hope it stays that way. Global warming! Great to see you today. Fill your mug, grab a VT or two and c'mon over here to the VIP table so I can tell you about a heart-warming doggie story and thanks go to Audrey in Calgary for sending it to me this morning so I could share it with you...

Where do dogs acquire a seeming sixth sense of purpose?  

How is it possible that a little fluffy mutt seeks out and comforts one elderly person after another moving from floor to floor and room to room, seeming to prioritize and sympathize and even know of each patient's viability and vulnerability.  All of this with absolutely no human intervention or direction except pressing the button when she decides to enter the elevator to move from one floor to the next.  

Therapy dogs are known to be of great help in the recovery and comfort of patients.  This one wasn't trained, she just somehow knows.  Uncanny and mercifully, miraculous.

Watch this short video about Nala, the teacup poodle:

See ya, eh!
