Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unique Football Painted Portraits of Popular World Cup Players

Hello! Hello! Wassup? What's happening in your world? Watching any World Cup matches? We're still at it. Looks like a change of leaders, doesn't it? Spain and England are on the bus home and Italy is desperately  trying to stay in the competition while Chile and Costa Rica are HOT this time around. Of course they still have Netherlands and Germany to contend with. We'll see what happens. More on kicking footballs in a minute...right after you fill your mug with coffee and wrestle a virtual mega-treat onto your plate.Okay...back to football...

Shanghai-based artist Hong Yi, a.k.a. ‘Red’, has combined her love for football and art in a very unique way – she recently painted a massive portrait of three superstars of the 2014 FIFA World Cup – Ronaldo, Neymar and Messi – by dribbling a paint-covered football on a canvas.

What is unique is that Red didn’t use a single paintbrush to create her amazing portraits of the three popular football players! Instead, she kicked a paint-stained football around on the canvas, and actually managed to paint highly accurate pictures of her subjects.

Appears she is scoring BIG with her football portraits, wouldn't you say?

See ya, eh!
