Friday, June 13, 2014

Breakthrough Kills Cancer Stem Cells!

Ni Hao! Great to see you. How's traffic in cyberspace? Backed up, is it? I'm not surprised. Never mind. You're here now so fill your mug with some delightfully perk-me-up arabica juice and snag a virtual mega-muffin or two. Go a devil! 
Got another letter from my pal Dr. Al. This time it's about what could be a cancer breakthrough...
Dear Bob,
As I write to you I have a map of the Amur River open in front of me. It’s in one of the only places in the world I haven’t visited, but I will soon: China.
Of course I’d like to see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.
But what I’d most like to do is go further with my mission to make your health better. So I want to visit the places in China where herbs grow that even my fellow herbalists have never heard of.
The Amur River is one of those places. It’s the third longest river in China, and the longest in Eastern Russia. It separates the two countries.
High up along its banks there’s a plant that gets its name from the river – Berberis amurensis. It’s a special kind of barberry that grows only in the Amur region.
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have used this herb for centuries. It relieves inflammation. But it does much more. Modern hospitals in China use a compound found in this plant as part of the standard treatment in leukemia cases.
The compound is called berbamine.
It’s not well-known in the West, but scientists from the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in California were curious. They wanted to know more about how the Chinese use it to treat cancer naturally.
What they found validated what the Chinese have known for centuries. Berbamine is a cancer breakthrough.
The researchers wanted to see whether berbamine had any effect on the most deadly types of cancer. So they put it to the test against cells from a kind of lethal brain tumor called a glioblastoma.
Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy aren’t much good for patients with glioblastomas. They rarely survive more than 15 months. Why is it so deadly? These cancers develop stem cells. They quickly become resistant to chemo and radiation.
The researchers at City of Hope removed cancerous cells from the brain tumors of some of their patients. In the lab, they treated the cells with berbamine.
One particular berbamine compound was very potent. It induced apoptosis – programmed cell death – even in the cancer stem cells.1
And it worked quickly. In just 48 hours, the berbamine killed nearly 100% of the cancer cells.
Berbamine had the same death-inducing effect on liver cancer cells.2
Berbamine seeks out the cancer cells and leaves healthy cells alone.
Big Pharma would love to create anything in their labs that works as well as this wild Chinese herb growing along the Amur River.
Berbamine and its compounds also have an anticancer effect on melanoma. They work on prostate cancer cells. They show potent antitumor activity in lymphoma and lung cancer. They’re even effective against highly metastatic breast cancer cells.
Berbamine also shows promise for combating incurable multiple myeloma.3 Western researchers are now thinking about adding it to chemotherapy protocols.
Amur barberry is a close cousin to the common Berberis vulgaris, the garden variety barberry, but they don’t have the same medicinal qualities.
So if you’d like to use the Amur barberry, look for the Chinese medicinal name of “xiao bo.”
You can also plant an Amur barberry bush. The seeds are available online from places like Sheffield’s Seeds (
But the cancer benefits of berbamine from the Berberis amurensis are still largely a secret from the West.
For thousands of years, only practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have had access to this anti-cancer herb. In fact, Chinese medicine is full of natural remedies that have been time-tested and passed from generation to generation… yet they are still largely a mystery to Western medicine
But I do know of one resource that is changing that, and reveals many more of these natural treatments.
It’s called Chinese Medicine Healing Miracles. And it’s full of remedies you won’t find anywhere else. You’d have to spend months reading medical books translated from the original Chinese to find just a few of the secrets you’ll find there, like how to:
  • Cut your risk of stroke in HALF without drugs or surgery
  • Erase knee pain with the palm of your hand
  • Cure night blindness with this special food
  • Shrink cancerous tumors in your breast, lungs and liver with a rare but powerful plant
That’s just a very small list of what you’ll get with Chinese Medicine Healing Miracles. Click here to check it out for yourself.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Sounds as though it could be a breakthrough ...but let's wait for more on berbamine.

See ya, eh!
