Sunday, June 1, 2014

Man Turns Boring Hedge into a 150-Foot-Long Dragon

G'day to you! I hope it's a great one. Here it's all sunshine and roses today.  Thanks for clicking by. Help yourself to a mug of coffee and a virtual muffin or doughnut, why don'tcha? you have a hedge? Have I got a summer project for you...

One day, 13 years ago, when retired fan maker John Brooker realized that his hedge was way too boring, he decided to do something about it. Since then, he has been sculpting it into a wonderful, mystical creature – a gigantic 150-foot long, 20-foot tall dragon, complete with a massive pair of wings and six sets of legs.

The dragon topiary – with its bulging eyes, flaring nostrils and crested back – is truly one-of-a-kind. Mr. Brooker, now 75, said: “I was standing at my kitchen sink one day and thought the hedge was boring so decided to do something with it. I think the dragon came from my days in the Army. I did two tours in Malaysia so the dragon must have been in my subconscious.”

That's quite a project. I did a "Flight of the Dragons" painting recently. Not sure it's finished yet but here's a look at it.

See ya, eh!
