Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fighting Fear with Beer!

Well, hi there! How are you faring today? Tickety-boo? Help yourself to a mugga and a virtual treat, why don't'cha, eh? It seems you can't turn around without hearing some news of trouble in the world. It's always been like that, thouh, hasn't it? In the UK, there's a rising backlash against the spread of Islamic culture into Britain. In one recent case, the police chose a good way to head off problems...with beer!

Pro-nationalism English Defence League activists seemed to be headed for a confrontation to break up a scheduled anti-nationalist demonstration in downtown Birmingham, England, on July 18, causing the city to mobilize more than 1,000 police -- when officials arrived at a solution. 

Police shepherded "hundreds" of rowdy EDL operatives into the popular Bar Risa pub at 11 a.m., confining them for three hours, until the anti-EDL rally had dissipated. (Given British habits, many EDLers decided to enjoy their confinement with a brew.) As a result, police reported only sporadic street scuffling. (Bar Risa, perturbed by police pressure to host alleged "fascists," donated its profits to the Midlands Air Ambulance service.)

The English Defence League (EDL) is a far-right street protest movement which opposes what it considers to be a spread of Islamism, Sharia law and Islamic extremism in the United Kingdom.The EDL has been described as Islamophobic. The group has faced confrontations with various groups, including Unite Against Fascism (UAF).

It appears St. George is out to slay another dragon...

See ya, eh!
