Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Can't Possibly Be True, can it?

Well, hello there! Wonderful to think you could take the time to click by today. So what can't possibly be true, you ask? Fill your mug and gently massage one of those chocolate, ooey, gooey virtual treats onto your bed...I mean plate!

A 55-year-old woman in the Netherlands seemed to be experiencing orgasms emanating from her foot, she said, and Dr. Marcel Waldinger of Utrecht University (writing in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, online in June) produced a possible explanation. 

The applicable left foot nerve enters the spinal cord at about the same level as the vaginal nerve, Waldinger wrote, and the woman's recent foot injury might have caused the nerves to cross. 

The woman reported "five or six" orgasms per day that felt exactly like "regular" orgasms and, she said, were making her feel terribly guilty and embarrassed. I can understand that if it happened during a boring board meeting, eh!, maybe?

After treatment with a nerve anesthetic, she reported being orgasm-free (in the foot, at least) for eight months. 

But my question has to be...why would she have the treatment? It reminds me of a story...

A lady on an airplane is constantly sneezing. She apologizes to the passenger seated next to her. "You see, I have this condition where I have an orgasm every time I sneeze."

"Oh, my goodness! Are you taking anything for it?" asks the passenger."

"Yes", she says. "Black pepper!"

See ya, eh!
