Saturday, May 18, 2013

Poutine in a Bottle!

Well, hi there! Thanks for clicking by the ol' cyber cafe today. Nice to see you! Help yourself to a mugful of coffee and a virtual treat or two. Sorry...I haven't gotten around to trying to make poutine muffins yet.

Don't know what poutine is? A simple dish...a plate full of fries, topped with cheese curds and smothered in gravy. Hearty! It's a big favourite in Quebec and spills over into Ontario on the one side...New Brunswick on the other and possibly even New York State to the south.

Apparently a poutine doughnut was recently invented. But it looks like Jones Soda Co. has gone one step further with flavored soda pop that tastes like poutine.

This limited-edition flavour, brought to you by the popular Seattle-based pop company largely known for its root beer, cream sodas and lemonades, will be available in select cities across Canada and most notably in Quebec, where poutine was supposedly invented in the 1950s.

So there you go. Your education just went up to the next level of poutineness. If Seattle is getting into the act, holy doodle! That means poutine has spread itself across the prairies and right out to the west coast. A good gravy will do that!

See ya, eh!


PS: Tomorrow, I'm going to bring you a recipe so's you'll know how to make your own batch of poutine doughnuts, eh!