Friday, February 15, 2013

The Redneck Chronicles

How's it going, eh? In need of coffee and a virtual treat? Well, now, you've come to the right place. Can't get you a beer but lots of coffee, eh! Speaking of beer, thought I'd update you with what's happening in Redneck Country. We've noticed a spate of new redneck TV shows...Duck Academy, My Big Redneck Vacation, Bayou Billionaire, et al so sit back, pour yourself a brewski and listen to the latest, okay?

(1) Timothy Crabtree, 45, of Rogersville, was arrested in October and charged with stabbing his son, Brandon, 21, in an argument over who would get the last beer in the house.

(2) Tricia Moody, 26, was charged with DUI in Knoxville in January after a 10-minute police chase. The officer's report noted that Moody was still holding a cup of beer and apparently had not spilled any during the chase.

(3) Jerry Poe, 62, was charged in a road-rage incident in Clinton on Black Friday after firing his handgun at a driver in front of him "to scare her into moving" faster, he said. (Poe said he had started at midnight at one Wal-Mart, waited in line unsuccessfully for five hours for a sale-priced stereo, and was on his way to another Wal-Mart.

Not a drop of beer was spilled in the pursuit of whatever it was they were pursuing or fleeing from. Now that's talent!

See ya, eh!
