Saturday, February 23, 2013

Meet Golden Baba!

Hi ya! How're you doing? Thanks for taking time to stop by for a coffee and a virtual treat. The coffee's always fresh and the treats are just that...a treat to eat...virtually. Hey...I want you to meet Golden Baba. 

His real name is Bittu Bhagat, but his fascination with gold earned him the nickname “Golden Baba”. Claiming to be a living saint, this Indian holy man tells his followers to live in poverty, while he covers himself in gold clothes and accessories worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Golden Baba has apparently been in the sights of Indian tax officials for some time, but he also attracted the attention of the press when he made an appearance at the sacred Kumbh Mela pilgrimage with two young European beauties hanging on his arms and wearing dozens of solid gold accessories around his neck and on his hands. 

He looked more like a middle-aged playboy than a holy man preaching about the rewards of a simple life free of worldly possessions. But reports claim Bittu Bhagat tells his disciples they must shun their material wealth, even their clothes, if they want to follow him, and investigators say he only accepts donations in solid gold. 

Formerly a simple tailor, this Golden Baba now allegedly has a fortune of several millions of dollars and travels around in a fleet of chauffeur-driven Mercedes, Bentleys and BMWs.

Well now, I'm a simple Taylor, too, so if you're going to take Golden Baba's advice and shun your material wealth...chauffeur-driven Mercedes, Bentleys and BMWs, for example, have your chauffer park them in my drive and leave the registration and bill of donation (as opposed to bill of sale) in the glove compartment. I'll look after them for you, okay?

See ya, eh!


Comment from Brian in Pattaya:

Hi Bob
Hope you're well and not drinking too much of that ersatz coffee stuff you seem to have shares in.
Your blogs are v. interesting and I intend to keep reading them for a while yet.
There is however one slight problem -
I cannot read the black lettering against the strong coffee brown page background, that is unless I get to within six inches of the screen, use a colour filter, a strong beam of light and a large magnifying glass. I may be the only person to whom this matters but I don't think so.
Any chance of you doing something about this or should I get an eyeball transplant!!!?
Best Wishes
Bob's reply:
Hi Brian,

The coffee background should only be there when you first open the blog. After that it should disappear and become a white background. Try clicking in the whitespace and see if that does it. I know it does it for me. Let me know if that works.

If anyone else is having the same problem and my 'fix' doesn't work, let me know and I'll change it.
