Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hardening Kindergarten Children in Siberia

Well, hey there! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes! C'mon in out of the cold, pour yourself a mugga and warm your hands on a couple of virtual doughnuts. Speaking or warming up, listen to this, eh...

The kids at the No. 317 kindergarten in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia are making themselves immune to flu viruses and winter colds by walking outside naked at temperatures as low as -15 degrees Celsius and pouring buckets of freezing cold water over their bodies.

Ever since photos and videos of the extreme hardening process were exposed in the media, the Siberian kindergarten has come under fire from parents worried about the children’s well-being. But caretakers like Margarita Filimonova insist the practice is totally safe, as the children are only allowed to go outside in the freezing weather after three years of slow training and medical testing. It might seem extreme, but the staff insist the practice makes the children fitter and improves their health significantly.

Kindergarten No. 317 has been hardening its children for the last 13 years, and some of the kids who went here went on to become Olympic champions in various sports. It’s the only institution of its kind in the region which uses this kind of extreme exercises.

Yeesh! I can't imagine what would happen if a kid forgot his homework, eh! And, what's for lunch?

"As part of our hardening process,the children have learned to enjoy food straight out of the freezer. Da! Children bite off a piece and throw the rest at their classmates. This toughens them up immensely and it combines eating and playtime.  We maintain a good first aid kit in case anyone gets hit with a frozen meatball!"

See ya, eh!
