Monday, January 21, 2013

Ever seen an Elf Cat?

Hi Ya! How's it going? Ready for some coffee, virtual treat? I thought you might be. You've come to the right place. Have you see The Hobbit yet? Nah, me neither. With the return of the Hobbit, Elf cats seem to be making a well-timed debut. 

What the heck are Elf cats? These truly elfish-looking felines are a cross between a Sphynx and an American Curl. Their ears curl back like the American Curl and they are hairless, like the Sphynx. Some think they look like Yoda, others are reminded of the cave-bound creature in the Hobbit. I think they look like Dobbie, the House Elf in Harry Potter.

Whatever these little furless critters remind you of, be prepared to pay big bucks if you want one. They are extremely rare and start at $2,000 a kitten. As a new breed, there are only about 100 of them in the entire world, so even with your checkbook open, the waiting list may require patience and persistence.

At first glance, they look a little odd...being hairless and all. If you have allergies to cat fur, hey... problem solved for a mere $2,000. Feed the kitty!

See ya, eh!
