Saturday, October 13, 2012

Telekinesis - It's the Thought that Counts!

G'day! How's it going, eh? Teleport yourself over to the coffeepot and pour out a dark, refreshing brew. Wait...get a mug first! That's better. Now, see if you can use your mental energy to move one of those fruit-laden muffins onto your plate. Hint...the plate should be lower than the muffin. Hey... I know how interested you are in learning new things, right? Well, I was doing some research on your behalf. It started with a  story about an 84 year old man in China who was able to use energy to move objects. Further research turned up the fact that he was using a trick table. Bummer!

Well here's a related online mega multi-faceted course you may be interested in. It's available from the Biosensory Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia - and although I recently talked at you about the benefits of learning a new language, it is in English.

Half year english internet cource in the field of telekinesis, telephathy, biosensory psychology, psychic practice, parapsychology and healing.

-Vladimir Tonkov – Professor, lead specialist and President of the Institute of Biosensory Psychology
- Group of teachers of the institute of Biosensory Psychology, Professional Medical Assosiation for Folk Medicine, Center of Healing arts and social guiding

The cource will be held 2 times a week and will contain theory and practice. After each session will be a skype discussion with the course. Theory includes the theoretical justification of psycho-bio-energy information interactions, adjustment of contemporary scientific world view in light of existing facts, and new system of views of reality based on contemporary science and facts obtained at our institute.
Practice includes skills in:
- telekinesis
- telephaty
- healing, para-healing and similar issues
- bioenergetical massage
- practical bioenergetics (meridians, channels, energetical centers, lightings, streams etc.
- out of body expirience and traveling
- mysticism and space, extraphysical essence
- transformation of properties of food and water
- the energetic and plastic of movement
- psycho-bio-energy information exchange
- breathing techniques
- different joint gymnastics
- clairvoyance
- energy saturation
- self-restoration
- bio-para-phenomenological approaches
- herbal medicine
- issues of regulation and selfregulation
- dreaming, deep emersions
- energetical and informational cleaning of living space and objects
- drawing,mineral,natural magic
And others similar to written above… (I think you've just about covered everything)

World view portion includes psychological, philosophical and other conversations/discussion with the aim of adapting the human psycho-physiological complex toward a fast change of human status and explosive development of human resource reserves, and others as required or warranted by circumstances, including issues of out-of-body projections, seeing at a distance, search technologies, global informational interaction, etc.(I always love that 'etc.' says so much in so little space...)
Cost: single session $20, one month $100
If you join later or miss some parts of the course you can order a recording. The participants of the course will get a certificate after finishing it.

So, hey, in a mere six months, give or take a time zone or two, think of all the new skills you could have, eh! Not to mention the money you'll save by not having to pay for expensive vacations anymore - just teleport wherever you want to go. Have an out of body experience whenever the mood strikes you. Sounds risque, what? Delightfully so...

See ya, eh!
