Monday, October 1, 2012

Roaches to the Rescue!

Well, hi ya! How's it ha...going, eh? Fill that mug you're holding out there and choose a juicy, squishy virtual Bavarian cream doughnut to while away the minutes while I tell you the latest about the beneficial abilities of cockroaches.

At a conference in August, researchers from North Carolina State University demonstrated their latest technological advance in aiding "first responders" to peacetime and wartime disasters: cockroaches. Yup... those ugly critters we all love to hate.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are being equipped with electronic backpacks that include antennas, batteries, cameras and microphones. The scientists hacked the bugs' nervous systems to steer them remotely into the tiniest of openings -- a crucial step toward finding survivors of earthquakes or bomb damage in densely built-up and populated areas.

When someone is pinned under a ton of rubble, a huge machine is unlikely to find him or her. Sure, dogs are good at locating some more survivors but roaches can get just about anywhere. I don't know exactly how the scientists are training the roaches to find survivors but I think this is a wonderful idea.

Hey, science and disaster rescue guys, need some more roaches? I've got a few thumb-sized ones you're welcome to and Thailand in general has enough to field a regiment or two. Hup, two, three, four! Hup, two, three, four!

See ya, eh!
