Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Holy Cow! 'Daisy' Makes Hypoallergenic Milk

Hey there! How the heck are you? Wassup? Fill your mug and grab a firm hold of a virtual treat while you're over there by the coffeepot. Say...do you drink much milk? Low fat? Skim? We pretty well always pick up low fat or skim if we can. We don't have allergies or anything. It's just a preference. But some folks are allergic to whey and now scientists in New Zealand seems to have come up with a solution. They have re-engineered the cow!

People who are allergic to whey may be able to drink newly engineered milk without the unpleasant digestive consequences, according to research released today.

A team of New Zealand researchers genetically engineered a cow named Daisy to produce milk free of β-lactoglobulin protein that can cause allergic skin, digestive and respiratory reactions predominantly in infants.

"Since the protein is not produced in human milk, it's not surprising that this protein may be recognized as a foreign protein in infants and cause allergies," said author and scientist at AgResearch in New Zealand Stefan Wagner.

Hey, good stuff!  Believe it or not, someone once asked me if brown cows gave chocolate milk. Now wouldn't that be something, eh? Great new project for you science guys! Then, of course, we'd want to have them eating the leaves of coffee bushes so they could produce coffee-flavoured milk. I think we may be onto something here, you know!
Science is exciting, isn't it?

See ya, eh!
