Saturday, September 6, 2014

Slugs Teleport into Your House!

Hi there! Slow morning, is it? Feeling sluggish? Not to worry. A quick mug of coffee and a couple chocolate-loaded doughnuts will perk you right up. Speaking of sluggish...remember the brain-to-brain post I did a couple days ago? Well my friend Brian in Pattaya sent me this and I knew I had to share it with you...

Scientists have solved the mystery of how the gastropods enter apparently secure homes after watching them shimmer and then disappear, like characters ‘beaming down’ in Star Trek

Professor Henry Brubaker of the Institute for Studies said: “It appears the slugs have to form a very clear mental image of your kitchen floor before they can teleport. The level of mental concentration required explains why they move so very slowly. 

“Once the co-ordinates are fixed in their slug minds they dissipate into atoms, reappearing a fraction of a second later, usually beside a bowl of cat food. 

“There’s no point trying to keep them out. Just let them leave their sticky residue everywhere. 

“Try not to let them see you looking disgusted – that’s what they want.” 

Now I am a firm believer in science and advanced theories but on the other hand...get me some of what that Professor Henry Brubaker is smoking, would you. I'll make some muffins with it and...

See ya, eh!
