Tuesday, December 10, 2013

World’s Largest Gingerbread House

G'day to you! May it be a 'caffo' day for you indeed... caffo meaning a joyous day in which you learn something new and tickle your palate with a little caffeine to help you through it.  I trust your journey through cyberspace wasn't an arduous one though I can tell you are ready for a nice steamy mug of coffee and a virtual treat. Try a gingerbread muffin, why don't'cha? Speaking of gingerbread...

The world’s largest gingerbread house has been erected on Texas A&M Traditions Club grounds, in Bryan, Texas. The 39,201.8 cubic-foot house set a Guinness World Record this year, and is helping raise funds for a local trauma center. It measures 60 feet by 42 feet and its tallest point rises 20.11 feet.

The idea for the house first came to Bill Horton, managing director of the Traditions Club, in September 2012. He was watching a Food Network special on gingerbread houses at the time. At first he thought he could get the house done by November, but soon realized that it would take a lot more work. That’s when the project got postponed to this year.

“Everybody got excited that we were trying to do this,” he said. Ninety percent of all the raw materials were donated – from lumber to electrical supplies to ingredients. Lots of people volunteered too. Club members, bakers and locals joined hands to create the home. Lumber? Since when does a gingerbread house have lumber? How the heck do you get that in the oven, eh? Wouldn't it...oh, never mind!

Hey, Bill..email me a slice would you? Strictly for research, of course. Hold the cream 'cause it messes up my 3-D printer!

See ya, eh!
