Friday, December 6, 2013

I'm Blind and I Need a Gun!

Hey there! Great to see you today. Glad you could find time in your busy schedule to click by. Coffee's freshly roasted and perked and there's a wonderful array of virtual treats for you to choose from so dig in, eh! Boy...sometimes you just have to wonder, don't you? Listen to this...

Though many people might agree with blind musician Stevie Wonder that it is "crazy" to let people like him carry guns, federal and state laws seem ambiguous, according to a lengthy analysis of Iowa's supplied by the Des Moines Register in September. 

Some Iowa sheriffs believe that federal anti-discrimination law limits their discretion (though they can deny permits for lack of physical or mental ability to handle the gun). 

The National Federation of the Blind generally trusts its members never to use guns recklessly, a spokesman said, and blind Iowa activist Michael Barber emphasized his right. 

"You take it out and point and shoot," he said, "and I don't necessarily think eyesight is necessary. ... For me, the inspiration is just to see if I run into any difficulties."

Eyesight not necessary when you're about to shoot someone??? It seems to me that eyesight might be a tad helpful, don't'cha think? I mean, sure, we already have the technological ability to zoom in on a target from heat signals but that doesn't discriminate between such signals as far as I know. What if it was a hostage situation with the gunman holding a hostage. How does a blind person's gun know which heat signal to target? Maybe the hostage would be able to help. "A little more to the right! I mean my right. Your left!"

Just wondering, is all...

See ya, eh!
