Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Woman Saved a Tree by Living in It for Two Years

Howdy! How're you faring today? Hope you are in fine fettle (whatever that is). Coffeepot's hot and fresh and the VTs are their usual magnificent selves so help yourself to a treet. Did I say treet? Must have been a typo. Couldn't possibly be related to today's topic,d'ya think?

In the face of greedy men with chainsaws in their hands, not even the enduring giant Redwoods stand a chance. But Julia Hill, a young American environmentalist showed the entire world the battle for the preservation of Mother Nature’s wonders is not yet lost, after she spent an astounding 738 days high up in a 60 meter Redwood she named Luna, in a desperate attempt to save the ancient tree and the forest around it.

When she was 22, Julia Hill was involved in a freak car accident which left her with a fractured skull and unable to speak for a year. Once a career and money driven woman, she rethought her entire life and set out to explore the world. In 1997, one year after her accident, she finally found what she was looking for – a group of activists protesting against the destruction of a redwood forest in Northern California, which stretched for hundreds of kilometers. 

She was enchanted by the ancient trees and decided to join their cause. Courageous and determined, Julia volunteered to climb one of the tallest trees in the forest – a 1,500 year old redwood, hoping to stop the Maxxam Corporation, the operator of Pacific Lumber, from chopping it down. Inexperienced, she managed to stay in the tree only for a few days at a time, which didn’t really impress the loggers or the media. 

Julia wanted to draw the attention of international media to the horrible deforestation that was taking place – a process called “clear-cutting” which implied cutting trees of all ages and sizes and then burning the entire area in preparation for replanting new ones. She knew the only way to get people’s attention was to break the record for tree sitting which was 42 days. And that’s exactly what she did – after 100 days, Julia was all over the news giving interviews and educating people on the importance of saving these trees that have been here long before us.

Good for you, Julia. When I was in San Francisco one year, I took a trip out to Redwood City and saw some of the magnificent trees. They had a representative 'slice' showing how they date trees (by the rings) and this ring showed dates well before Christopher Columbus came to America. Awesome! But hey...let's cut these useless trees down and build condos we can sell and make money!

See ya, eh!
