Friday, October 18, 2013

Funkybod Muscle Top Shirt gives you a Toned Physique (Look)

Hey there! What'cha been up to? Glad you could click by today. Coffee's awaiting and so is the amazing array of virtual muffins, doughnuts and pastries.  Say, y'know how guys like to 'suck it in' when passing a good looking lady on the street...or in a bar, eh? Well, a couple of fellows have come up with a shirt that... well, this...

Are you one of those guys who likes being lazy; sitting on the couch all day and stuffing your face with junk food but dream of impressing girls with their toned physique? It sounds like an unreal fantasy but thanks to the ingenious undershirt designed by an amateur boxing coach and his accountant friend, it is very much possible.

Created by Ash Bhunnoo and Ricky Robinson, the “Funkybod Muscle Top” is a padded shirt meant to cover your flabbiness with pads which not only look like toned muscles but actually feel real thanks to a foamy material which stretches to accommodate the weak, saggy flesh underneath. It took a while before they finally found a material that worked as they had envisioned, but they finally got the effect they were looking for. 

So rejoice fellow couch potatoes.  Broad shoulders, a flat six-pack and firm, well-defined pecs and triceps don’t require a single visit to the gym thanks to this revolutionary invention. 

I don't know about you but my shirts all seem to be shrinking. I'm not sure if it is the laundry detergent we use or perhaps Cornwall water. Whatever it is, the shirts seem to be fitting more snugly these days. Do you have the same problem? I think we need a royal commission to study the problem and come up with a 250 page report that outlines the problem and possible five years time. Here in Canada, we are exceptionally good at royal commission reports. Not that we're good at activating solutions...but dang good at producing reports!

See ya, eh! I have to go and wash/stretch a couple shirts...
