Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Well, lookee who's dropped in out of the cybersky! Great to see you. What've you been up to since yesterday, eh? Grab yourself a mug of coffee to perk you right up and sling a virtual treat onto your plate while I bring you up to date with what's happening at the Disney Parks.

As recently as mid-May, people with disabilities had been earning hefty black-market fees by taking strangers into Disneyland and Disney World using the parks' own liberal "disability" passes (which allow for up to five relatives or guests at a time to accompany the disabled person in skipping the sometimes-hours-long lines and having immediate access to the rides). 

The pass-holding "guide," according to NBC's "Today" show, could charge as much as $200 through advertising on CraigsList and via word-of-mouth to some travel agents. 

Following reports in the New York Post and other outlets, Disney was said in late May to be warning disabled permit-holders not to abuse the privilege.

"Grab that guy in the wheelchair and fling him out of the park. All his friends, too! We can't have these disabled people, one-legged vets even, taking advantage of our system...even if it is in an entrepreneurial spirit upon which America was founded." So there!

See ya, eh!
