Monday, April 8, 2013

Zippity Do Dah...Ouch!

Hi ya! Wassup? Thought I heard you zipping around cyberspace. Be careful that you don't catch anything in your zipper! Fill your mug and grab hold of a tasty virtual treat. Now zip up and listen. You and I aren't the only ones who get some part of our bodies caught in our zippers. Sure, males are more prone to it because, well, you know...bananas and plums and such... though I am sure women get parts of their anatomy caught from time to time, eh!(?)

You may not know this but between 2002 and 2010, according to the March BJU International (formerly British Journal of Urology), an estimated 17,600 patients came to U.S. hospital emergency rooms reporting genital injuries from trouser zippers (presumably by accident, but researchers took no position on that). 

Seven authors (six from University of California, San Francisco) took credit for the report, funded by a National Institutes of Health grant, and found that "zip" wounds were only about one-fifth of emergency penile injuries. Too much information...I don't want to know about the other four-fifths, do you? No, I didn't think so. 

Zippers are useful things but there must be something better - like velco maybe. You never get your you-know-what caught in Velcro now do you!

See ya, eh!
