Sunday, February 20, 2011

Horse "Shots" Sure to Give You Zizz

Today’s post is compliments of Paul in Tokyo who said, “Since you like articles about food, I will send you the whole thing…

Makes raw fish here in Japan perfectly sane.”

Thanks, Paul. Pick your choose from the top shelf next to the coffee machine… on the house! 

We've discussed weird foods in Bizarre News before. There was the bull testicle festival in Montana and the turkey testicle festival in Illinois. We've talked about deep fried tarantulas and chilled monkey brains, but in New
Zealand, at this year's Wildfoods Festival in the South Island town of Hokitika, they have taken things to a whole new level.

The festival began 22 years ago as a way of allowing city folks to "get out of their comfort zone" and sample foods enjoyed by rural dwellers in the "outback" as they call it. Foods like raw scorpions, chocolate-covered beetles and deep-fried grubs, as well as more mainstream staples such
as venison and wild boar.

But this year for the first time New Zealand epicures will be able to satisfy their appetite for the unusual with shots of horse semen. This little delicacy is the brain child of racehorse breeder Lindsay Kerslake.

"The idea is you'll have as much zizz as a stallion for a week afterwards," said Lindsay.

I'm not sure what zizz is, but if it's what I think it is then Lindsay might have a problem!

He said the shots being sold at this year's festival would taste like a milkshake and be washed down with an energy drink chaser.

So you won't have to deal with the salty taste the shots will be available in vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.

Hmmm…what if they added some icing sugar and used it as a glaze on doughnuts. You might not get much work done in the day but , zowie…you’d be ready for a good time, eh!

Bob… just horsin’ around!

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