Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feng Shui or Shlumpadinka?

Hi there! Good to see you. I was sitting here sipping my coffee when I suddenly felt some energetic vibrations in the air so I looked up and there you were. Grab a coffee and we can natter about looking and feeling good. 

According to enthusiasts of Feng Shui, every person has a signature energetic vibration. Every piece of clothing you wear has an energetic vibration. When your body’s energy and the energy of your clothing are in harmony, your authentic beauty comes forth. The synergy between you and your clothing unleashes your magical charisma. People see and relate to the deepest essence of you, the truth of your being. Yeah, it’s like you’re in harmony with the flow of the universe, eh!

Why do we feel instantly attracted to some people and repelled by others? The people who attract us on first impression have something special. They exude an almost magical force. It’s a magnet that draws us to them. We might say they have “great energy” or charisma. 

You may as well be yourself, eh.  Everyone else is taken.

Feng Shui applies its energetic principles to the body and how we dress. Feng Shui is the harmonious placement of objects in an environment to create a positive energy flow that attracts health, wealth, relationships, peace and wellbeing. We can do the same with our clothing.  

On the other hand, your style may fall into the category of Shlumpadinka as Oprah calls it. That’s sort of like casual disarray.

To find your congruence, you must determine the core principle within you that best expresses your presence, your personality and your soul. For example, if you have a round face, and a bit of roundness everywhere else, the more round things you put on your body, the less round you will look. Round as in doughnut, that is! 

So there you go… Feng Shui, Shlumpadinka or… Wal Mart shopper!
See ya!


Comment: Garbage robot

Amount of Garbage That Humans Make Annually

The Environmental Protection Agency reports the United States produces approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year. This is equivalent to burying more than 82,000 football fields six feet deep in compacted garbage. There are no statistics readily available for the entire planet, but considering the United States makes up about 4% of the world's population, this is a LOT. I would personally estimate the entire planet's yearly production of garbage to be somewhere in the vicinity of 4 to 5 BILLION tons.
Using that as a basis of calculation and the estimated payload of the Italian Garbage Robot being maybe 200 lbs. And allowing the robot to work 16 hours per day, 8 hours of travelling and 8 hours of actually picking up the garbage with 8 hours for recharging and maintenance, you would require approx 10 million robots working non stop using local dump sites...almost unthinkable.

Instead the Italians could convert this robot into a garbage 'SEGWAY' scooter for Prime Minister Berlusconi to travel between courthouse appearances during his trial for courting an underage prostitute. Ha ha ha

Wayne from Quebec but I dream in the Adirondacks of NY.

Bob’s Reply:
A guy’s got to have some fun, eh? Ten million robots? Now that’s a bunch!