Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Quantum Teleportation Sets Distance Record

Hiya! Good to see you. I appreciate you dropping out of cyberspace for a mug of coffee and a VT. Help yourself, why don't'cha? Speaking of space...

A record-breaking distance has been achieved in the bizarre world of quantum teleportation, scientists say.

The scientists teleported photons (packets of light) across a spool of fiber optics 63 miles (102 kilometers) long, four times farther than the previous record.

This research could one day lead to a "quantum Internet" that offers next-generation encryption, the scientists said.

Teleporting an object from one point in the universe to another without it moving through the space in between may sound like science fiction pulled from an episode of "Star Trek," but scientists have actually been experimenting with "quantum teleportation" since 1998. 

Yeah well...transporting photons is one thing but let me know when you can transport Nong and I to Thailand in 2.4 seconds instead of 24 hours, okay? I can only eat so many packets of soggy airplane noodles, watch so many movies on a tiny screen and play seemingly endless games of sudoku. Maybe next time, a good dose of melatonin will shed less light on the problem!

Beam me off to sleep, Scotty.

See ya, eh!


Source: Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings