Monday, September 7, 2015

Pope Mania

Happy Labour Day to you if you 'celebrate' the day. To me it's just another day when all the dang stores are closed. In Asia, it is the exact opposite. ALL STORES are open on holidays - religious or not. It gives families the chance to get out and shop, play and eat together. Not everyone over there has Saturdays and Sundays off so an extra day off is not time to spend at home doing little. are you this fine day. It's going to be another hot one here! Coffee's hot too so help yourself...and snag a viutual doughnut or muffin as well, why don't'cha! Speaking of religious...

Muslim clerics complain of the commercialization of the holy city of Mecca during the annual hajj pilgrimages, but for Pope Francis' visits to New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia in mid-September, shameless street vendors and entrepreneurs already appear to be eclipsing Mecca's experience. 

Merchants said they'd be selling, among other tacky items, mozzarella cheese statuettes of the pope ($20), a "pope toaster" to burnish Francis' image on bread, a Philly-themed bobblehead associating the pope with the movie boxer Rocky, local beers Papal Pleasure and YOPO (You Only Pope Once) and T-shirts ("Yo Pontiff!" and "The Pope Is My Homeboy"). 

The Wall Street Journal quoted a Philadelphia archdiocese spokesman admitting that "you kind of have to take it in stride." 

Ain't that the truth!

See ya, eh!


Source: Wall Street Journal, 8-26-2015; Washington Post, 8-24-2015