Monday, September 21, 2015

Man Spends Six Months and $1,500 Making Sandwich from Scratch

Hey there! Good to see you. What'cha been up to? Nong and I are tired as all get out today after a busy day at the Martintown Market yesterday. We tried out some new foods...mostly good reactions and some great customer feedback. Got asked if we would be interested in doing a buffet at a hotel, too! Regrettably, we aren't set up for that so we're passing that along to a friend who is. Pour yourself a mugful of coffee and try a virtual coconut bun why don't'cha? It looks almost live a sandwich...and speaking of which...

Six months – that’s apparently how long it takes to truly make a sandwich from scratch. And we know this thanks to 28-year-old Andy George, host of the YouTube series How to Make Everything. He actually spent six months and $1,500 growing and preparing every single ingredient that went into one, very regular, sandwich. 

Andy recently shared a time-lapse video titled ‘How to Make a $1,500 Sandwich in Only Six Months’ on his YouTube channel. The video shows him doing all sorts of tasks that people normally take for granted when they buy stuff off store shelves. He grows vegetables, makes salt, bakes bread from scratch, and even kills a live chicken. His goal? To make everyone realise that things don’t magically appear in supermarkets.

No sandwich is complete without cheese, and to make that from scratch, he started by learning how to milk a cow. And to make one loaf of bread, he harvested wheat, collected fresh honey from a beehive, and made butter as well. But the highlight of the video was when he killed a live chicken with his bare hands. He decapitated it, plucked its feathers, boiled it, and grilled the meat, before he was finally ready for the easiest part – assembling and eating the sandwich.

His reaction on eating the sandwich was gold: “It’s not bad,” he said, matter-of-factly. “Six months of my life for ‘not bad’. Yeah.”

$1500 to make a sandwich? Yeah...and he probably washed it down with an extra large double double espresso mocha latte from Starbucks which would be close to the same price, right?

Hmmm...questions come to mind. 

1. Did he grow the chicken from an egg? 

2. Did he go to the seashore, dip a pot in the ocean and evaporate the water to leave salt in the pot?

3. How did he make the yeast for his bread?

Just curious, is all.

See ya, eh!
