Friday, January 9, 2015

5 Signs you overdid it during the Holidays!

Here we are – well into January. The holidays are behind us for another year. Started your 2015 Christmas shopping yet? Just kidding! Good to see you today. Fill your mug with some choice Arabica and snaggle a virtual treat, why don’t’cha? (I made some whole wheat cheese tea biscuits yesterday. Want me to upload one for you?) Yeah...sometimes we kind of overdo it over the holidays, right?

The holidays are lovely, but they sure can be exhausting. The residual effects of drinking, partying, being lax about exercise, and eating every sweet you can covertly snatch really starts to add up by January. Unfortunately, the results can manifest themselves very subtly at first and often go unaddressed and unnoticed. By paying attention to the subtle signs your body gives you, you can help it to be healthy and happy without suffering the general malaise that so many of us accept as a part of life. If you are experiencing any of these 5 signs, your diet and lifestyle may need an overhaul… stat!    

You’re bloated. The foods you eat and even the manner in which you eat them can lead to bloating. Foods sensitivities can often manifest as a bloated belly, but stress and fast, incomplete chewing can also be factors. Cut out processed foods, sugars and dairy (if you are possibly sensitive) and try eating a high quantity of fibrous veggies to flush out your gut. Also take to your doctor about considering adding a quality probiotic to your daily regimen.

You’re irritable or moody. These are often the byproducts of chronic stress and fatigue. Headaches can also be stress or diet related, so take note. Try taking an Epsom salt bath to get a dose of calm-inducing magnesium and make an effort to stay clear of refined carbs and sweets, which can make matters worse. Instead, reach for healthy comfort foods like sweet potatoes and chia seed pudding.     

Your eyes are puffy. If you have been skimping on sleep or downing glasses of wine by the dozens each week, your bright eyes will suffer. Massage your face gently and fit in some gentle, highly mobile exercise — like yoga — to get your lymph system flowing again. Detoxifying teas that contain dandelion or milk thistle can also be beneficial for your overtaxed liver. But most importantly, relax and catch up on sleep!  

Your skin has dulled. An excess of salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol can rob your skin of its luster. When your body is working extra hard to digest or process certain foods, your skin is one of the first areas to suffer. To avoid this, eat copious leafy greens and keep yourself supremely hydrated with plenty of water. Skin brushing is also a great way to encourage fresh cell turnover, encourage lymph flow, and keep your skin glowing and smooth.  

Your brain is foggy. Ditch the sugar! Granulated and raw honey both! The inability to think clearly or focus on simple tasks is usually a sign of a sugar overload and perhaps insulin sensitivity. Certain food sensitivities, like dairy, can also impair focus levels if the food is not avoided. Combine sugar/dairy avoidance with exercise and a fresh injection of creativity into your daily grind… your mind will be crisp again in no time!       

If you end up cutting out certain foods for a few weeks, try adding them back into your diet one at a time and notice how you feel. If the bloating or irritability or what-have-you returns, it may be a smart idea to nix that food for good. Listen to your body, cut out what doesn’t work for you, and you’ll be rewarded with good healthy and plenty of energy!

With my birthday a week after New Year’s, which of course falls a week after Christmas, my overindulgence season automatically my belly used to (or was that distends?). I try my best not to eat so much these days. Portion control, eh! Trouble is... the portions seem to edge up ever so slightly day by day. 

Did you try making that coconut caramel slice I sent you the recipe for yesterday? Nothing came through on my downloads...

See ya, eh!
