Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Good drive - Bad Drive!

Well hi there! Greetings from Cornwall, Ontario - down near the Quebec border. We had a leisurely drive down yesterday morning. Nong checked in with Tims and she starts on a short shift next Monday (4 hours)...kind of easing her back into the workforce, so to speak, eh.However, it appears the manager will be putting her back on her old 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM shift when she starts back fulltime. Nong is happy about that. We're early birds anyway!

Before I forget...great too see you today. Pour yourself a mugga and grab a virtual treat. I happened upon a fruit explosion muffin whilst we were at Tims and we've won two free cops of coffee so far in their Roll Up the Rim to Win contest. Now on to the topic for today...

While we're on about driving, here's a little gem for you that I call "Whose fault is it?"

...In September 2010, a speeding, intoxicated driver ran a stop sign near Dade City, Fla., careened off a highway, and rammed two trees along a private road, instantly killing himself and his passenger. In January, the estate of the passenger filed a lawsuit for wrongful death, charging the residents along the private road with letting the trees grow in a dangerous location where they could be easily hit, especially since the residents had failed to light the area adequately. "How it's our fault, I have no idea," said one surprised resident, who noted that the entire neighborhood had mourned the strangers at the time of the sad, traumatic collision. [Tampa Bay Times, 2- 10-2013]

So forget about the fact that the guy was pissed as a newt, careened off the highway, onto a street and because there happened to be trees planted along the street, his estate is blaming the residents for planting the trees in the wrong place and not lighting them enough so that drunk drivers careening off the highway see them in time to avoid them and go on to kill themselves someplace else. Did I get that right?

Do you think the lawyer chases ambulances in his spare time, too?

See ya, eh!


PS: We're already up to four free coffees at Tims and we only arrived yesterday!