Friday, June 12, 2015

Bangkok District Puts Hex on Litterbugs!

O-o-o-o-h-h-h! How are you today? However you are, you’ll be better still with a large mug of coffee and a virtual doughnut or muffin! Need I mention that it is good to see you? Say...are you superstitious? Do you avoid walking under ladders? Letting black cats cross your path? Going a full day without eating any chocolate? (Thought I’d throw that one in). Well, folks throughout Thailand are very superstitious and the authorities have figured out a way to make this work in their favour...they hope!

Bangkok’s Lat Krabang’s district chief has given people a new incentive not to further litter a garbage-strewn local street: Litterbugs now will get cursed. White banners erected in the area, featuring a woman's eyes with a message putting a "hex" on trash-tossers, are the brainchild of Sin Nititadakul, head of the Bangkok district who has tried to solve long-running garbage problems on Soi Rom Klao 23 near Debsirin Romklao School. All sorts of rubbish repeatedly has been dumped there illegally. 

The message written on the banner reads "May heaven put a curse on those who illegally dispose of garbage in this area. Ill fortune will befall garbage throwers and their families, while those who keep the area clean will be blessed with luck and prosperity throughout their lives." So, lets read between the lines here... Does that mean that if you throw your trash elsewhere, you and your family won't get cursed? Aha! Mr Sin on Thursday led a team of district officials to inspect garbage disposal and erect banners to warn people not to throw trash in the area. 

Lat Krabang authorities received cooperation from Debsirin Romklao school executives, teachers and students who took part in collecting garbage. Might make western logical sense to get the local school kids involved as a community environmental project too!

The authorities could follow that campaign up with an actual woman who resembled the one in the ad...striking, intimidating eyes and her right arm extended towards anyone who dared to throw trash on the street or neighbouring junk pile. you think that would be effective?

Fear sometimes works but money works much better. With so many peole looking for work, why not just pay unemployed workers to go around with carts and pick up the offending garbage? Might not work though...Western logic often doesn't in Asia!

See ya, eh!
