Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Japanese Collagen-Infused Beer Claims to Make You Prettier

Konichiwa! Hey, there's another great Japanese invention on the market. Soon as you fill your coffee mug and feast on a virtual muffin or two, I'll tell you all about it. Meanwhile, it is, as always, a treat to see you. and beauty. Can't beat that combo!

In a bid to cash in on the latest beauty trend of consuming collagen, Japanese company ‘Suntory Holdings Ltd’ has released a special brew of collagen-infused beer. One assumes that is the same Suntory that makes Japanese whiskey.

The trend has Japanese women believing that eating copious amounts of collagen – the structural protein of connective tissues – will lead to beautiful, younger-looking skin. The seemingly innocuous trend has caught on rapidly – stores are filled collagen-laced beauty products, and women are willing to gulp spoonfuls of powdered collagen mixed into protein shakes. They also flock to restaurants that serve foods naturally high in collagen – pig trotters, chicken skin and shark fin.

But the collagen-infused beer, called ‘Precious’, is a stroke of marketing genius – now women can get drunk and beautiful at the same time! Usually women get more beautiful as men get drunk. Back when I was drinking, I never got drunk. Got over-served on quite a few occasions, though!  

Suntory announced the new product on April 7 – it is a light beer, containing 2 grams of collagen and 5% alcohol per can. 

Their tag declares: “Guys can tell if a girl is taking collagen or not.” 

Don't think they'd sell much of that stuff in Canada...except in the metrosexual markets, that is. Besides which, by mixing alcohol and pharmaceuticals, we'd have to spend 10 + years studying the product...test it on mice, et al. Eventually, after 20 years, we'd allow a limited testing on humans. Maybe at a hockey game, eh! What do you think?

See ya, eh!
