Saturday, May 17, 2014

Students Discover $40,000 In Second-Hand Sofa

Roommates find $40,000 stuffed in old couch Hi ya! Great to see you today. It really is. Hope things are well at your end...and the rest of you too, come to think of it. Coffee's freshly brewed so pour yourself a mugful and move a virtual muffin or doughnut onto your plate while you're at it, why don't'cha! Here's a story about a good deed to perk up your day...

Three students found more than $40,000 in cash inside a second-hand sofa they had bought for $20 from a charity shop - and returned it to the elderly widow who stashed it there.
The housemates in upstate New York discovered the money in envelopes hidden in the couch they had picked up from the Salvation Army in March.

The 91-year-old woman's relatives had donated the old settee to the thrift store without her knowledge.

Reese Werkhoven, Cally Guasti and Lara Russo said they initially could not believe their luck at the unexpected windfall, reports the Little Rebellion, a student-run news blog at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

But after finding a woman's name on an envelope and debating what to do, they decided to make contact with her and return her small fortune the next day.

Ms Guasti told the Little Rebellion: "When we handed the money back to the woman, she told us that she felt like her (late) husband was present in the room with us."

The widow, who wishes to remain anonymous, reportedly gave them a $1,000 reward.

Nothing like a feel-good story to brighten the day, huh?

See ya, eh!
