Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Gods, Astrology and the Stock Market

A very splendid day to you. May you live  a thousand lives and your family be prosperous forever. Wooo! What is he smoking' today, eh! Never mind. It's always a total joy to see you in your magnificence. Pour your good self a mug of Ceylon tea and slide an Indian doughnut onto your plate, why don't'cha? Speaking of India, read on...

Mumbai, India, has its share of Western-style financial advisers using computer programs familiar to Wall Street -- but with the additional layering of "financial astrologers," who forecast successes and failures based on the alignment of the planets, among other indicators. 

According to a Business Week report in September, the GaneshaSpeaks service (with inspiration by the elephant-headed Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom) claims 1,200 subscribers at the equivalent of about $80 a year. Said one astrologer, "Fund managers used to laugh at me." During crises, he said, "I'm constantly crunching market and planetary data." 

Hey! The Gods, Astrology and the Stock Market. Who'd'a thought, eh? But why not? There are many 'secrets of the ancients' that have been lost to mankind. We're so busy racing ahead that we often forget to pause and look back over our shoulder to see what we have missed. If you agree or disagree...or have an good stock tips, (other than NetFlix, which is a current mover), let me know, okay? want to see something interesting? Go to and search for "astrology and stocks".

See ya, eh
