Monday, November 26, 2012

Bob's Coffee Fashion Statement

Hey! How's it going?  Ready for a mugga coffee and a virtual treat? I'll bet you are! Me, too! Y'know, we hear about this fashion trend and that one but it seems to me that us real coffee drinkers of the world get bypassed. Well, I'm about to put a stop to that once and for all.

"So how did this momentous event come about, eh, Bob?"

I'm glad you asked. See...we'll be moving into new digs as of this coming Saturday, the oneth of December and the good folks who own the building, Dave and Sheila are close to my age (39 + Tax...lots of tax!). They are good friends with the couple who live next door and apparently the 'boys' gather (can two people gather?) for coffee at the neighbours' every day at 10:00 in the morning...and I've been invited to join the gathering. So there was the problem, eh! How was I to get from here to there?  Walking's the obvious answer since it's right next door but what about my coffee mug? Seems a little like begging to be walking over there with 'mug in hand' so to speak so I thought I'd better come up with a fashion alternative:

Have Mug - Will Travel!

Of course I could go over without a mug but that wouldn't give me the opportunity to promote my blog, now would it?  So there you are and here I am.

See ya, eh!
