Monday, November 8, 2010

Heart Attack Special!

Hey there! Great to see you…even if it is only virtually. Sit it down and let's gab a little! The other day, I showed you some fancy doughnuts from VooDoo Doughnuts in Oregon . Well, not to be outdone…here is almost the world's unhealthiest meal… Are you ready for this?

It's a Doughnut Burger... okay, Donut if you're in the US of A, eh! I kid you not! What started as a publicity gimmick from a below Junior A ball team in St. Louis , Missouri quickly caught on. A beef patty sandwiched between, what else, a sliced open doughnut. Well, why the heck not, I ask? Had to happen! Add cheese, bacon, all the trimmings and you're talking 1000 + calories. Saves having to eat the rest of the day, huh? Want the franchise in your neighbourhood?

A restaurant in L. A. has come up with a brunch called a Lady Burger. It's the same as a doughnut burger but with a fried egg added. Sure, eh, pile on the calories and cholesterol! Diet Coke with that?

Now, Bob, I have a question for you. Like…how come you said ‘almost' the world's unhealthiest meal?

Ah ha! Caught that, did you. Good! Well, my friend, you'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out if anything can top the doughnut burger…
