Monday, November 24, 2014

Living with Nature...or...Ewwww -- Gross!

Well, hello there! Thanks for clicking by today. I trust you are in fine fettle and ready for a mugga and a virtual megamuffin. Why not, eh! Say...communing with nature is one thing but we should all keep our own spaces, don't you think? I am sure you have heard the saying that "You are never, if ever, more than three feet away from a spider". Well here are a couple of cases where nature is getting a little too close...

Daniela Liverani, 24, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and British singer Katie Melua recently survived inadvertent, grotesque ordeals hosting, respectively, a three-inch leech and a spider. The leech had found its way into Liverani's nose during an Asian backpacking trip and had poked part-way out several times (though Liverani had assumed it was a nosebleed clot and "sniffed (it) back up"). 

When she finally saw a doctor in October, she said, the leech played peek-a-boo for a half-hour until the doctor grabbed it with tweezers. 

Melua's tiny spider apparently lived in her ear for a week, creating a constant "rustling" noise until her doctor vacuumed it out. She guessed that it came in through old earbud headphones on an airline flight. (Her spokesperson said the singer had no hard feelings and had released the spider into her garden.) [Daily Record (London), 10-12-2014] [The Guardian (London), 11-2-2014] 

Maybe the spider heard her album 'Spider's Web' and just wanted to get up close and personal. Ear! Ear!

See ya, eh!
