Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Disabled Survivor?

Hup! Hup! If you never played football, that is a clue from the quarterback that "Ah'm about ta receive the ball, y'all, so heads up 'cause am gonna throw it to one of y'all in 4 1/2 seconds more or less, if'n y'all get y'self in the open, hear?" Hey... how y'all doing today? Ready for action or ready to sit back with a nice mug of coffee and a virtual treat? While we're talking football...

Brad Culpepper played defensive tackle for nine NFL seasons and, not surprisingly, applied for disability when he retired, since his medical folder listed 14 MRIs, head and knee trauma and neurological and vision problems -- which resulted in doctors declaring him "89 percent" disabled and the Fairmont Premier insurance company giving him a $175,000 settlement. 

Fairmont sued recently to get its money back, claiming that Culpepper is, and was, "exquisitely fit," as evidenced by a September 2013 Tampa Bay Times feature on his gym workouts, and in his having earned a martial-arts Black Belt, and in his participation for 14 days in the grueling TV series "Survivor: Blood vs. Water" in 2013. [Tampa Bay Times, 9-17-2014, 9-19-2013]

I'd say they have a case, y'think? Me? I play Survivor Cornwall everyday, dodging the hoard of (other) seniors driving the roads in their 'mobility' scooters, younger folks on their electric bikes and the extraordinary number of over-sized pickup trucks in the city. It's a challenge. But then...we have the icy roads and blizzards to look forward to over the next few months, too...

See ya, eh!
