Hey there! Glad I caught you! Always a delight to see you and share a mug of coffee and a virtual treat...I mean we don't have to 'share' the treat... you can have a virtual muffin, doughnut or pastry all of your own. Never fear... and you know what? Yesterday, I said that I had had three of my paintings accepted into the art show at the Cornwall Library. Close! I wasn't familiar with the juried process... in other words a critique and selection or rejection by a well-known artist. Focus Art was fortunate to have Pierre Giroux as the expert.
For the past 15 years, Mr. Giroux has specialized in painting interior scenes of old homes, where the architechure and play of light seems to bring to life the memories and emotions of the space. His work is available through the well respected West End Gallery in Victoria and Edmonton.
Pierre was born and raised in Cornwall, attending école secondaire La Citadelle before heading to the Ontario College of Art and Design to further develop his natural artistic ability. During his final year, he and some fellow students headed over to Florence, Italy to study and experience the environment that has inspired so many artists.
Here, he is critiquing my 'Urban Garden' acrylic. He said he liked the painting and textures and mentioned how adding a third colour (little splashes of blue in my case) also helped the painting. He indicated that he had nothing to criticize about it. Yea!
Two of my three submissions were accepted for display and I am very happy with that. 67% ain't bad for a first try. Watching someone critique your work can lead to anxious moments but, more importantly, I learned a lot from Pierre's critique of my paintings and more than 100 others.
If you are within driving distance of Cornwall, ON, c'mon by the library (Second and Sydney Streets) from October 5-28 and see the artistic creations of some of the amazing and talented artists we have here.
See ya, eh!
PS: Here Pierre is critiquing a painting I really liked for the treatment of the subject (Buddha).
For the past 15 years, Mr. Giroux has specialized in painting interior scenes of old homes, where the architechure and play of light seems to bring to life the memories and emotions of the space. His work is available through the well respected West End Gallery in Victoria and Edmonton.
Pierre was born and raised in Cornwall, attending école secondaire La Citadelle before heading to the Ontario College of Art and Design to further develop his natural artistic ability. During his final year, he and some fellow students headed over to Florence, Italy to study and experience the environment that has inspired so many artists.

Two of my three submissions were accepted for display and I am very happy with that. 67% ain't bad for a first try. Watching someone critique your work can lead to anxious moments but, more importantly, I learned a lot from Pierre's critique of my paintings and more than 100 others.
If you are within driving distance of Cornwall, ON, c'mon by the library (Second and Sydney Streets) from October 5-28 and see the artistic creations of some of the amazing and talented artists we have here.
See ya, eh!
PS: Here Pierre is critiquing a painting I really liked for the treatment of the subject (Buddha).
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