G'day to you! How are you doing? Can't complain? Good. Me, neither. I suppose I could but nobody listens anyway. Compain to my doctor and she give me a prescription for more pills and sends me for another test. Coffee's perked; virtual treats are tempting, so dig in, why don't'cha? Say, do you follow the fashion trends? I don't unless I happen upon one that catches my eye while scanning the news from a number of sources each day. Well here's one for you...
In a "manifesto" to celebrate
"personal choice and expression" in the standard of beauty "in a society
that already places too many harmful standards on women," according to a
July New York Times report, some now are dyeing their armpit hair.
At the Free Your Pits website, and events like "pit-ins" in Seattle and Pensacola, Florida, envelope-pushing women offer justifications ranging from political resistance to, according to one, "want(ing) to freak out (her) in-laws."
Preferred colors are turquoise, hot pink, purple and
neon yellow (for the ladies).
Okay guys...it's time we fought back. Men have a lot more hair that most women so forget the emasculating 'manscaping', crap! Stick out your hairy chest and dye it the colours of your favourite sports team, eh! Me? Golly gee. I would but I don't really have a favourite sports team...not after last night and the Blue Jays dropped their second post-season game in a row. They now need to win three in a row to keep going.
See ya, eh!
Source: [New York Times, 7-16-2015]

At the Free Your Pits website, and events like "pit-ins" in Seattle and Pensacola, Florida, envelope-pushing women offer justifications ranging from political resistance to, according to one, "want(ing) to freak out (her) in-laws."

Okay guys...it's time we fought back. Men have a lot more hair that most women so forget the emasculating 'manscaping', crap! Stick out your hairy chest and dye it the colours of your favourite sports team, eh! Me? Golly gee. I would but I don't really have a favourite sports team...not after last night and the Blue Jays dropped their second post-season game in a row. They now need to win three in a row to keep going.
See ya, eh!
Source: [New York Times, 7-16-2015]
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