Hiya! How's it going? Thanks for spiralling down from the cybersky. You're just in time for a mug of coffee and a virtual doughnut or Slovakian pastry. Speaking of Slovakian...
They say age is just a number, and Agnes Kasparkova, a grandmother from the Slovakian village of Louka, in South Moravia, is a perfect example. At age 87, the adorable artist still spends most of her free time doing what she likes most – hand-painting her neighbors’ houses with traditional motifs.

Agnes added that she cannot imagine a life without work, be
it at home, in her garden, or painting houses. She apparently learned the
craft from another woman named Manakova, and when she passed away, Agnes
decided to carry on her work.
One of the most striking features of Agnes’ art is the
ultramarine blue paint, which works splendidly in contrast with the white walls
of Moravian houses. She makes sure to use expensive, good quality paint, which
she guarantees will last at least two years. Another feature that stands out is
the floral theme present in all her artworks. She never plans her
artworks in advance, instead making them up as she goes along.
Agnes does find it difficult to paint sometimes, given her
age. She finds winters especially difficult, but that doesn’t stop her from
keeping at it. Every May, she spends 10 days decorating the freshly whitewashed
walls of the village chapel, even climbing up ladders to reach the top!
I hear you, Agnes. Age does have it's drawbacks, but...it's better than the alternative!
See ya, eh!
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