Hallelujah! You have arrived at the virtual cafe. So glad you could make it today. Coffee’s freshly brewed and there are so many choices on the virtual treat tray that I’m seriously thinking of starting a doughnut shop. I want to tell you about a lady in the US of A who believes so strongly in her Christian faith that she has actually married Jesus...
When high school teacher Jessica Hayes decided to get married, she settled for no less than the son of God himself. The 38-year-old from Fort Wayne, Indiana, tied the knot with Jesus Christ in an elaborate church ceremony last weekend. The groom, of course, was not present.

“I think that in some sense, we’re all called to be married,” Hayes said. “It’s just a matter of discerning how. So, my marriage to Christ is as someone else’s marriage is to their spouse. My students asked if they should call me Mrs. Hayes when I come back to school next week, and no, I’m still Ms. But I am married to Jesus.”
The wedding service, conducted by Bishop Kevin C. at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, was attended by hundreds of people – mostly strangers to Hayes. She said that she was quite pleased with the turnout, even though most of the guests attended out of curiosity. “I am so happy to have had so many witnesses (at the wedding) because there may be others that the Lord is calling in this way that have now heard of this life and can consider it in their prayer.”
“Now that I’ve made a public commitment, that’s really an encouragement to me to live up to that because people know that this is who I am and my life needs to be lived in conformity with that,” Hayes added. “So it’s one more step in that direction that others expect this way of life from me and I need to live consistently in my words and actions that love for Jesus.”
After much thought, Hayes decided to wear a conservative dress for the special day, given that she’d have to lie prostrate on the floor during one part of the ceremony. “I’ve seen so many wedding dresses over the years that I think I’ve probably changed my mind very many times,” she said. “I had to really consider the appropriateness of the occasion for my dress.”
“I wanted my shoulders to be covered, and I would have to lie prostrate before the altar, so I really wanted to make sure that I was well-covered in a way that still shows the beauty of a bride.” Hayes complemented the long white dress with a pair of nude heels and shoulder length hair styled in loose curls.
The consecration service only incorporated some of the symbols of marriage – a dress, a ring, and a veil – but it was not literally a marriage. It’s more about the virgins resolving to “persevere to the end of their days in the holy state of virginity and in the service of God and his Church.” They also accept “solemn consecration as a bride of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”
The practice of consecrating virgins apparently died out in
the Middle Ages, but it was revived by Pope Paul VI in 1970. To become one, the
church states that women must never have married or “lived in open violation of
chastity,” and “give assurance” that they will lead a life of chastity.
According to the Daily Mail, there are about 3,500 consecrated virgins
in the world today, and 230 of them are in the US. Hayes is the first woman
from Fort Wayne to become one in 25 years.
No matter what you believe, you have to give Jessica points
for the strength of her belief and faith.
Not to throw water on the ceremony but there are folks out
there who believe that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. After all, being good Jewish boy, can you imagine the grief he would have gotten from his mother..."What's the matter you...you're 31 and not married yet! I have a nice girl I want you to meet..."
But he died and was
reborn, right? So... holy maccaroni, this is getting complicated. Like, if Jessica decides to divorce, does she get half the universe?
See ya, eh.
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