They has tabled a new "Charter of Values", If passed, the amended charter would bar public servants, bureaucrats, teachers, hospital workers, daycare workers, etc. from wearing "conspicuous religious symbols."
The move most affects Muslim women who wear any sort of headdress, Sikh men who wear the turban and/or the kirpan, Jewish men who wear the kippah, and possibly even Hindu women with a bindi.
Christians would be prohibited from wearing visible and "overly large" crucifixes around their neck, but smaller ones are permitted.
As for crucifixes mounted in public parks and the walls of Quebec's public buildings? "The crucifix is there to stay, in the name of history, in the name of heritage," according to Bernard Drainville, Quebec's minister of democratic institutions, the man charged with navigating the new charter through the national assembly.
So, it would appear under the proposed charter of Quebec values, some are more valuable than others. That suggests a possible violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its protection of freedom of religion, which would obligate Ottawa to fight it tooth and nail. That, of course, could all be part of Quebec's separatist government plan. If they want to keep everything in the province French, they should make that part of their immigration acceptance policy...not that I'm advocating that. It's like closing the door to the 'horses only' barn after the chickens, cows, sheep, donkeys, goats, rabbits, deer, moose, bears, cougars, foxes, coyotes, ducks and geese are all inside. They need a reality check!
I don't want to get into their ulterior motives but a sign I saw the other day sums it up nicely:
"Unfortunately, there's no cure for stupid!"
See ya, eh.
PS: One member of the government has already quit because of this charter and one hospital in Ontario is running a recruiting ad saying "We don't care what's on your head...just what's in it"
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